PARTICIPANTS pose for a souvenir photo.
I am privileged to welcome you this morning to the peer-to-peer dialogue platform, this being one of the significant events of our countries’ private sector.
On behalf of the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation and on my own behalf, allow me to extend a warm welcome to you to this forum.
At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to ATE, CTI, TAHA, TATO who are all members of TPSF and lastly but not the least, the UN Global Compact Network Tanzania for organizing this seminar. I am sure that your support and enthusiasm has contributed to the success of this seminar immensely. Through these initiatives, we are enabling the private sector in Tanzania to continue to play its role as an engine of economic growth and employment creation.
TPSF draws its mandate and influence from a network of over 4.7 million businesses (formal and informal) who are direct members in more than 200 business associations registered in TPSF membership book. According to the TPSF constitution, the ''Private Sector'' is that part of the National Economy, which is made up of private enterprise, - individuals, groups, and corporate bodies not owned or operated by the State and which are for profit both formal and informal. It includes groups such as farmers and artisanal miners. It is recognized as a key partner of the Government towards the achievement of the National Development Vision 2025 and universally adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It plays an important role as an engine of growth and job creation. It provides goods and services, generates tax revenues to finance essential social and economic infrastructure, it develops new and innovative solutions to tackle development challenges.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Where do we stand? Are we on track? What are the inspiring breakthroughs and success stories that are showing results and impacts? What are the good practices that can be replicated and scaled up? What are the gaps and constraints and how should we address them? Looking ahead, what steps should we take to accelerate progress?
How can we ensure that business’ involvement in the SDGs on the ground becomes an integral part of the follow-up and review mechanism? a key question is how we can best tell our stories of SDG impact, both individually and collectively?.
Answers to these questions shall be addressed collectively through the SDGs Road Show and Voluntary National Review (VNR) as a regular and inclusive reviews of progress at the national and sub-national levels, which are country-led and country-driven. As you may all be aware, in July 2019, the United Republic of Tanzania will submit its first Voluntary National Review (VNR) on Tanzania’s progress in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) i.e. SDG 4, SDG8, SDG10, SDG13,SDG16 & SDG17 to the UN’s High-Level Political Forum in New York. The VNR provides an opportunity to highlight Tanzanians achievements, priorities and challenges both domestically and internationally in advancing the 2030 Agenda. This Roadshow therefore, has come at an opportune time.
This is the opportunity for businesses to tell your story, creating a common language and shared tools to drive future action and positive impact. It is also a platform to mobilise opportunities. It is estimated that globally participation will drive USD 12 Trillion in market opportunities, let Tanzania make its share
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
The former Prime Minister of Britain, Sir Winston Churchill was one of very staunch proponents of the private sector. He said, and I quote, “Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a sturdy horse, pulling a heavy wagon”. Our government agrees with Churchill that the private sector is a healthy horse which pulls a heavy object (development of our economy), and that is why we recognise our responsibility of supporting the sector and other agencies so that they can invest in productive businesses.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Tanzania is the fastest growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa with 7.2% growth rate respectively recorded in 2017. Our country is richly endowed with natural resources and connected to the sea, which makes their position strategic as the gateway to the EAC and Central Africa region.
We still need Government support to the private sector through formulation of appropriate policies, creation a conducive environment for doing business and investment, and by helping to bring about institutional changes, which will help build investors’ confidence.
Tanzania has successfully implemented sweeping reforms geared to creating conducive business environment and attractive investment climate.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen;
We all know very well that the Government opened up the economy, introduced appropriate policies, laws and regulations, and continues to take various measures to promote the private sector in the country. Through such efforts, Tanzania is now among the countries with a vibrant and liberalized economy making it one of the most preferred destinations to invest in Africa.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
The industrial, trade and marketing sector will not grow without deliberate steps to develop it. Such development will be possible if challenges related to production costs are addressed. This will be achieved through ensuring adequate energy support, business registration, legal and regulatory support, reducing bureaucracy; and providing better fiscal and monetary regimes. What is basic, however, is to do away with the mistrust between the public and private sectors.
There is a mistaken notion by the public sector that the private sector carries out its business unscrupulously; while the private sector considers the public sector to think of nothing but slashing its profit margins through unfriendly tax regime and a host of other rates. This is a challenge we have to all face and solve without fear.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
The government plays a critical role in coordinating and providing guidance to private sector development and investments. The government’s core functions include preparing policy, legal framework and strategies for private sector as well as development and investment to monitor their implementation.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
Let me end my welcome address with a call for a united private sector in so that it can foster sustained growth fed by integrity, hard work, dedication and innovation.
I would nevertheless wish to my fellow private sector stakeholders in Tanzania to come out in an aggressive way so that you demonstrate thinking big, and take bold strides that reflect our ability to take daring decisions as serious entrepreneurs. When you think big and take daring decisions there will be an impact on the economy of the country as well. This is what I look forward to – an aggressive private sector and a robust economy for our countries.
My belief is that our countries stand to benefit from the SDG Road Show and the VNR in July, hence cohesive and increased bilateral trade opportunities and we should therefore, not lose track of this opportunity.
May I also take this opportunity to wish you all very fruitful deliberations which will lead to creation of a national stakeholder’s forum later this month during which we will all take stock of what worked and what didn’t work, and why.
Honorable Chairman of the Board, Board Members, Private Sector Stakeholders, Invited Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you very much |
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